What is CPCUG.org Email Server's Name?


CPCUG's old email server name, cpcug.cpcug, is no longer viable. Use mail.cpcug.  The alternate server name ,CPCUG.ORG no longer works. The mail.cpcug server name works for all uses your desktop software might need: for POP3 and IMAP getting of your email and for SMTP sending of your email.

Moreover, by using mail.cpcug you can also opt to add SSL-based security, since that server name matches our SSL email server certificate. CPCUG Support recommends SSL, as it reduces your risk. If you do not want or need that security you can set your software accordingly, and use mail.cpcug. for getting and sending your member email "in the clear."

For information on resetting your email software, see Tutorials on Setting Up Your Email Account . You do not need to create a new account, just change your downloading software's email server name(s) for your CPCUG.org mailbox if they are not already set to mail.cpcug..